Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I guess I have acquired quite a collection of raw food books over the last few years :)

If you are wanting a raw food primer, something that explains the why's and how's of raw food, I recommend only the best:

The 12 Steps to Raw Foods by Victoria Boutenko.

Written by one of the founders of the modern raw food movement. She raised her family raw and her kids grew up to write a few books of their own, particularly a great recipe book.

Their recipes are delicious and on the easier side to make as well. Most of the recipes don't require a lot of equipment. Any book from this family are informative and with your health priorities in mind.

Their mother Victoria, being raw for 18 years, has recently collaborated with 2 other longterm raw eaters about their experiences over the years, in a book called, Raw and Beyond. They share candid experiences on what worked and what didn't work and introduce a groundbreaking 80-95% raw or "high raw" diet perspective, in which they found to be healthier and more sustainable in the longterm. It focuses on getting more omega 3's and limiting omega 6 intake. I have found this book extremely important for anyone thinking of or practicing raw eating in the longterm.

If you want some more modern and innovative recipes, my current favorite recipe books are ones by Matthew Kenney, Sarma Melngailis and Ani Phyto.

Their recipes do call for ingredients that are a little harder to find and the use of more equipment, but I have found that everything I make from their recipes are super tasty and fun and refreshingly different from most raw recipes. But do keep in mind that the more gourmet/heavy the recipe is, the heavier the ingredients tend to be, such as nuts. Just as it is true to limit the amount you would consume of gourmet cooked food, the same is true for raw food.

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